Have Your Say: Rainbow Street Public School Safety Improvements
Transport for NSW is seeking feedback on the extension of the Rainbow Street Public School, Randwick drop-off and pick-up zone.
In consultation with the School and Council, Transport for NSW is proposing to extend the length of the existing drop-off and pickup zone to increase safety and ease congestion. To enable this extension, we propose to:
- Relocate the bus stop opposite Paton Street, 11m east towards Avoca Street.
- Convert 11m of the existing bus zone to no parking between 8am – 9.30am and 2.30 – 4pm on school days. As a result, two (2) untimed parking spaces will be removed during these hours.
- Extend the no stopping area prior to the pedestrian crossing by 5m and extend the bus zone by 4m. This will remove two (2) untimed parking spaces.
- Convert 35m of untimed parking space (approx. six spaces) on the northern side of Rainbow Street, towards Botany Street, to no parking between 8am – 9.30am and 2.30 – 4pm on school days.
Have your say
Comments close: Friday 11 November
If you have any comments or questions, please contact our Project Team.
E: CBD-and-East@transport.nsw.gov.au
P: 1800 491 566
If you need help understanding this information, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call us.

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