Flexible career paths for Aboriginal employment

2019 Vet Cadet Cohort

Transport for NSW employs more than 600 Aboriginal people across metropolitan and regional NSW and is committed to creating career pathways and leadership opportunities for Aboriginal people.

Our aim is to be the employer of choice in Australia and we’re committed to improving the diversity of our workforce by setting clear targets.

Our current Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan outlines our target of 3.3 per cent of Transport roles held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As at July 2021 we were tracking at 2.7 per cent towards this target.

Career pathways for Aboriginal employees include entry-level talent programs that nurture and support participants to provide on-the-job experience with teams across Transport while completing Certificate IV qualifications.

The pathways are flexible and can include training combined with work and university study. Jesse started in the vocational education and training (VET) program studying Information Technology. After he completed his two-year VET program he enrolled in university and joined the scholar program, working with the IT team and completing his degree part-time.

Jesse is from regional NSW and the VET opportunity created the pathway for him to gain experience in IT and led him to tertiary education and employment with Transport.

Carissa Russell was working with Sydney Trains as a customer service attendant, based in a regional station and working rotating shifts. She successfully applied for the VET program and was able to work with her team virtually from home as she completes a Certificate IV in Project Management. Carissa is proud to be a role model for her children and her community and to show them what career opportunities are possible.

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