Reconciliation is more than words

Transport marks important events like National Reconciliation Week by reaching out to all our staff to support us in this ongoing journey.

In 2021, more than 2,000 staff across NSW took part in a special National Reconciliation Week event either in person or online. This year’s theme was “More than words. Reconciliation takes action”.

It was an opportunity to learn of the breadth and impact of programs Transport delivers to support Reconciliation. A panel of passionate and talented Transport people gave the audience a taste of the diverse range of initiatives and programs.

Prominent Aboriginal journalist Karla Grant shared the story of her life and how she became a well-known media presenter, calling on all Australians to take action on Reconciliation because it’s everyone’s business.

Five ways to join our Reconciliation journey

Infrastructure and Place Executive Team Learn About Ancient Wisdom in the Blue Mountains

The Blue Mountains has many Aboriginal sacred sites, including rock engravings of Dreamtime stories. Staff from Transport’s Infrastructure and Place executive team braved wintry 4 degrees Celsius temperatures for a day trip to learn about the traditional life of the Darug people, their ancient wisdom and how to apply this knowledge in contemporary society.

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