M4 East Motorway - Road Network Performance Review Plan - City of Canada Bay Council

Thank you Bayside Council. This consultation has now concluded. We will reach out to you as soon as we can with the consultation report.

Transport for NSW (Transport), in consultation with local councils, is developing a Road Network Performance Review Plan (RNPRP) to mitigate impacts on the road network following the opening of the new M4 East Motorway.

The plan aims to:

  • identify locations where road performance on the adjoining road network has been impacted by the opening of the M4 East
  • identify potential mitigation measures to optimise road network performance at impacted locations
  • support the integration of the M4 East Motorway into the broader transport network.

The plan will list locations for development of mitigation measures and outline time frames for delivering those improvements.

As a key stakeholder, we are seeking Council’s feedback on how their community has been impacted by the opening of the M4 East Motorway.


Transport is seeking council feedback by 5pm Tuesday 23 August 2022.

When pinning your feedback through the interactive online tool, please remember to:

  • advise us of your experiences using the key road corridors in and around the M4 East Motorway, and how we could potentially improve the network for the local community
  • provide feedback by selecting the appropriate pin, such as, congestion, safety, accessibility, active transport, public transport, environment, road signage and freight.

Feedback from this consultation will help to inform the M4 East Motorway's Road Network Performance Review Plan.

Consider some of the following questions when dropping pins:

  • Have you experienced any difficulty accessing the M4 East Motorway from an adjoining local road? Can you specify where this pinch point is?
  • What are your top three issues with adjoining roads to the M4 East?
  • Have you found it difficult to access the M4 East?
  • Have you used public transport in the last year? Was this experience negatively impacted by the opening of the M4 East?
  • Do you ride a bike to work and need access to better active transport connections within this study area? Has the opening of the M4 East impacted this access or need at all?

Transport for NSW (Transport), in consultation with local councils, is developing a Road Network Performance Review Plan (RNPRP) to mitigate impacts on the road network following the opening of the new M4 East Motorway.

The plan aims to:

  • identify locations where road performance on the adjoining road network has been impacted by the opening of the M4 East
  • identify potential mitigation measures to optimise road network performance at impacted locations
  • support the integration of the M4 East Motorway into the broader transport network.

The plan will list locations for development of mitigation measures and outline time frames for delivering those improvements.

As a key stakeholder, we are seeking Council’s feedback on how their community has been impacted by the opening of the M4 East Motorway.


Transport is seeking council feedback by 5pm Tuesday 23 August 2022.

When pinning your feedback through the interactive online tool, please remember to:

  • advise us of your experiences using the key road corridors in and around the M4 East Motorway, and how we could potentially improve the network for the local community
  • provide feedback by selecting the appropriate pin, such as, congestion, safety, accessibility, active transport, public transport, environment, road signage and freight.

Feedback from this consultation will help to inform the M4 East Motorway's Road Network Performance Review Plan.

Consider some of the following questions when dropping pins:

  • Have you experienced any difficulty accessing the M4 East Motorway from an adjoining local road? Can you specify where this pinch point is?
  • What are your top three issues with adjoining roads to the M4 East?
  • Have you found it difficult to access the M4 East?
  • Have you used public transport in the last year? Was this experience negatively impacted by the opening of the M4 East?
  • Do you ride a bike to work and need access to better active transport connections within this study area? Has the opening of the M4 East impacted this access or need at all?