Have your say on the bus interchange upgrade and bus layover proposal in Macquarie Park

Consultation has concluded

Planning is underway to improve pedestrian access and bus operations at the Macquarie University Station Bus interchange on Herring Road between the Macquarie University and the Macquarie Centre. We also plan to build a bus layover on Talavera Road near the corner with Culloden Road.

Our proposal will improve travel efficiency and connectivity, making it easier for all road users to move safely into and around Macquarie Park.

The Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the proposal has been prepared and will be on display for community feedback until 5pm Friday 5 November 2021.

What is a REF?

We have prepared a REF (Review of Environmental Factors) which examines the potential social and environmental impacts of the proposed bus interchange and bus layover improvements. The REF process allows the project team to identify ways in which these potential impacts can be minimised and managed in the community's best interests.

The REF display is an opportunity for the community to be informed about the environmental assessments and share your knowledge and feedback.

The bus interchange and layover REF is on public exhibition and submissions are open until 5pm Friday 5 November.

View the REF under the useful information tab on the right side of the page.

What happens next?

After the end of the REF display period (Friday 5 November 2021), a submissions report will be created. The submissions report summaries comments and questions received, and our responses.

We will notify the community when the submissions report will be available online at nswroads.work/macparkinterchange.

Planning is underway to improve pedestrian access and bus operations at the Macquarie University Station Bus interchange on Herring Road between the Macquarie University and the Macquarie Centre. We also plan to build a bus layover on Talavera Road near the corner with Culloden Road.

Our proposal will improve travel efficiency and connectivity, making it easier for all road users to move safely into and around Macquarie Park.

The Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the proposal has been prepared and will be on display for community feedback until 5pm Friday 5 November 2021.

What is a REF?

We have prepared a REF (Review of Environmental Factors) which examines the potential social and environmental impacts of the proposed bus interchange and bus layover improvements. The REF process allows the project team to identify ways in which these potential impacts can be minimised and managed in the community's best interests.

The REF display is an opportunity for the community to be informed about the environmental assessments and share your knowledge and feedback.

The bus interchange and layover REF is on public exhibition and submissions are open until 5pm Friday 5 November.

View the REF under the useful information tab on the right side of the page.

What happens next?

After the end of the REF display period (Friday 5 November 2021), a submissions report will be created. The submissions report summaries comments and questions received, and our responses.

We will notify the community when the submissions report will be available online at nswroads.work/macparkinterchange.