Have your say on New Line Road, Dural

Consultation has concluded

The Australian and NSW Governments are investing $20 million to investigate improvements on New Line Road, focused on better traffic flow, safety and travel times for the growing population of Sydney's north west.

We are planning to improve New Line Road between Old Northern Road and Boundary Road and the intersection of New Line Road and Castle Hill Road. If you use New Line Road, we'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on how we can improve New Line Road.

We're looking for suggestions on how we could:

- improve safety

- reduce congestion

- improve active transport paths and links for pedestrians and cyclists

- reduce travel times

- improve public transport.

To have your say, simply 'drop a pin' on our interactive map and let us know what you think would make travel along New Line Road easier. You can drop as many pins as you like.

The Have Your Say is open from 19 July until 18 August 2021.

For further information please contact our project team :

Phone : 1800 314 601

Email : newlineroad@transport.nsw.gov.au

Mail: New Line Road Project, PO Box 973, Parramatta, NSW 2124

The Australian and NSW Governments are investing $20 million to investigate improvements on New Line Road, focused on better traffic flow, safety and travel times for the growing population of Sydney's north west.

We are planning to improve New Line Road between Old Northern Road and Boundary Road and the intersection of New Line Road and Castle Hill Road. If you use New Line Road, we'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on how we can improve New Line Road.

We're looking for suggestions on how we could:

- improve safety

- reduce congestion

- improve active transport paths and links for pedestrians and cyclists

- reduce travel times

- improve public transport.

To have your say, simply 'drop a pin' on our interactive map and let us know what you think would make travel along New Line Road easier. You can drop as many pins as you like.

The Have Your Say is open from 19 July until 18 August 2021.

For further information please contact our project team :

Phone : 1800 314 601

Email : newlineroad@transport.nsw.gov.au

Mail: New Line Road Project, PO Box 973, Parramatta, NSW 2124

New Line Road - Your feedback

over 3 years

To have your say on improvements along New Line Road between Old Northern Road and Boundary Road and the intersection of New Line Road and Castle Hill Road, simply zoom in on the map, 'drag and drop' a pin to where you want to and add your feedback. 

Please hit the (+) icon below and you can drag and drop as many pins as you like, but they need to be within the orange boundary. 

We've come up with a few categories, but want to hear from you. If you have a suggestion that doesn't fit with one of these categories, please use a general pin.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.