Sydney Terminal Building Revitalisation Project
Consultation has concluded

Project overview
As planning for Central Precinct progresses, the NSW Government is looking at initiatives that will provide the community with new and exciting spaces sooner.
Planning is underway to revitalise the Sydney Terminal Building. It will be the first major step in renewing Central Precinct into a welcoming new day and night destination.
Revitalising the Sydney Terminal Building will draw upon its heritage landmark qualities, re-establish its civic role and provide a world-class transport interchange that connects people to the city and invites them to stay and linger.
For more information about the project and how you can provide the feedback visit the Sydney Terminal Building Revitalisation project webpage.
Complete our community survey
We are in the design and planning phase for the proposed revitalisation and we’d like to hear from the community and our customers on what you’d like to see as part of the revitalisation.
Complete our community survey to help us understand what is important to you as we progress the designs for the proposal.
The feedback will help to further shape the design and inform the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the proposal. The EIS will provide information on the proposed revitalisation as well as the economic, environmental, and social impacts of the project.
You can complete the survey by 5pm Monday 12 December 2022.
Get in touch
For more information:
- email to register your details and stay updated
- call 1800 684 490 if you would like to speak to the project team