What happens next?

A reimagined Central Station will have major benefits for Sydney, but as with any change, there are potential ideas and constraints that need to be considered, understood and addressed.

The customer feedback from the Reimagining Central Station Engagement Program will help to develop a vision for the future of the Central Station Precinct in the context of Sydney’s southern CBD. The outcomes of the engagement program will also inform planning for the Precinct which will integrate new Metro infrastructure and new Light Rail services.

These projects create a once-in-a-generation opportunity to revitalise the Precinct, respecting Central Station’s heritage and creating a new and exciting destination for customers.

The NSW Government will prepare a strategic framework for the Precinct which will look at development ideas and investigate opportunities and constraints. Creating quality urban design, providing new retail and other commercial services and respecting heritage will be key considerations, along with transport needs.

The Government will continue engaging with the professions, industry, peak bodies and the community during 2017. The engagement outcomes report will feed into that ongoing consultation.

The NSW Government would like to thank all the participants in the Reimagining Central Station Engagement Program and looks forward to working with customers in the revitalisation of NSW’s largest station.

You can read the ideas of the many participants in our two month engagement program here.