Wollstonecraft Station - Have Your Say - Public art
Thank you for your feedback, consultation has concluded.
Now that the project is complete, Transport for NSW is proposing to celebrate the local community by installing a mural at Wollstonecraft Station. The mural will be located in the alcove adjacent to the lift on Platform 1, and will be visible to customers as they travel from the lift and onto the platform.
We want the design to resonate with the local community, so we want to hear from you about what you would like to see in this mural.

Why public art?
The objective of this public art is to:
- improve visual amenity
- create a sense of community
- deter vandalism and graffiti
- preserve and enhance heritage and culture
- involve the community and engender a sense of ownership.
How will the mural design be selected?
You can provide your preference on the art theme by visiting this link or clicking on the survey tool below.
All feedback collected during the survey will be collated and the most popular theme or concept will determine the final brief to be used by a local artist.
The survey will close 5pm, Monday 22 August 2022.
To learn more about the Wollstonecraft Station Upgrade, please visit the project site at https://transport.nsw.gov.au/wollstonecraft