Chain Valley Bay Road intersection upgrade

The NSW Government is investing $6.7 million to upgrade the Pacific Highway and Chain Valley Bay Road intersection to help support new residential housing opportunities in the area.

Currently the intersection operates as a priority-controlled intersection (stop sign), with turning lanes for both directions of highway traffic into Chain Valley Bay Road as well as a U-turn bay for northbound traffic.

To improve intersection safety and support anticipated increase of road users, the NSW Government is providing $6.7 million to upgrade the intersection of Pacific Highway and Chain Valley Bay Road, which provides vital access for the residents of Chain Valley Bay.

To help provide safe, efficient and reliable access on and off the highway for all road users – that is motorists, pedestrians and cyclists – Transport for NSW is proposing to install traffic lights at the intersection. Find out more by taking a look at the project update.

Transport for NSW is now inviting stakeholders and the community to have their say on the concept design for the intersection upgrade until Sunday 15 December 2024.

You can get involved by:

  • Filling in the below survey (preferred)

  • Sending feedback to: Transport for NSW, Locked Bag 2030, Newcastle NSW 2300

All feedback will be considered as we move to finalise the concept design. Following the display, a consultation report will be prepared and shared with the community in response to comments received.

Transport for NSW is delivering the project with funding from Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

The NSW Government is investing $6.7 million to upgrade the Pacific Highway and Chain Valley Bay Road intersection to help support new residential housing opportunities in the area.

Currently the intersection operates as a priority-controlled intersection (stop sign), with turning lanes for both directions of highway traffic into Chain Valley Bay Road as well as a U-turn bay for northbound traffic.

To improve intersection safety and support anticipated increase of road users, the NSW Government is providing $6.7 million to upgrade the intersection of Pacific Highway and Chain Valley Bay Road, which provides vital access for the residents of Chain Valley Bay.

To help provide safe, efficient and reliable access on and off the highway for all road users – that is motorists, pedestrians and cyclists – Transport for NSW is proposing to install traffic lights at the intersection. Find out more by taking a look at the project update.

Transport for NSW is now inviting stakeholders and the community to have their say on the concept design for the intersection upgrade until Sunday 15 December 2024.

You can get involved by:

  • Filling in the below survey (preferred)

  • Sending feedback to: Transport for NSW, Locked Bag 2030, Newcastle NSW 2300

All feedback will be considered as we move to finalise the concept design. Following the display, a consultation report will be prepared and shared with the community in response to comments received.

Transport for NSW is delivering the project with funding from Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

Page last updated: 10 Jan 2025, 04:03 PM