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Kamay Ferry Wharves communications feedback

We’d love to hear your thoughts on our communication and engagement since we started construction. 

Your feedback will help us to understand what we’re doing well and where we can improve.  

Privacy: Your privacy is important to us. We will not make public your personal details, but we may use excerpts of your comments and feedback (without identifying details) in reporting. 

See our Privacy Statement 


What best describes you (pick all that apply)

* required

Which construction site or wharf are you impacted by or interested in?

* required

During construction of the Kamay Ferry Wharves, what types of contact have you had with the project team (pick all that apply)? 

* required
Communication material is easy to understand
Upcoming work, impacts and mitigations, are accurately described
Maps and images are clear
Community forums have been informative
Phone or in-person queries been dealt with in a timely and efficient manner

Overall, I am satisfied with the communications and engagement for the project